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Our Cats

Our Start with Maine Coons

We have always loved cats, our first Maine Coon was probably only part Maine Coon, His name was Mellow, I was young when naming him, but the name fit! He was a friendly, loving pet. Had a beautiful black and white coat and an amazing tail. He was great with kids and other animals. All around a great addition to our family. 

We didn't really know what we had until long after his passing. My aunt moved to Maine and has a Maine Coon now. On a trip to visit our family re-fell in love with the breed. My mother use to prefer Persians, but Athena is a beautiful representative of the breed and has captured the heart of everyone in the family! 

Our family has worked with cats for as long as anyone can remember. We have breed, rescued, re-homed, rehabilitated, and loved many many many cats in our time. We strive to produce healthy kittens with good temperament and beautiful features. 

All animals are raised in our home being spoiled by our family. They are well socialized and forced to love us from day one. They involve themselves in our activities and demand our attention. Play time is anytime, anywhere and brought on by any slight movement... 

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